The title of this blog is a quote by Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher. He said that everything changes, nothing remains still and you cannot step twice into the same river. So true isn’t it?
I often refer to The Change Curve model. This model relates to all changes we experience in life. Change is a process, not a destination.
The Change Curve

We can all be running numerous change curves in our lives at any one time. In the past few years I have been traversing change curves including:
- The menopause
- A chronic health diagnosis
- A toxic work situation
- Body shape
- The pandemic
- Grief from the loss of loved ones and my children leaving home etc
What change curves are you traversing at the moment?
How are you feeling?
Even if we are experiencing the same changes in our lives as a family member or work colleague, our own personal experience will be unique. This is due to many factors including our personality, characteristics, life experience, culture, values, belief systems, environment, family, and friends.
Likewise, we will process changes (regardless of whether we label them as good or bad) in different time frames.
What we do know is that the more aware we are of the impact change is having on us and we can identify the resources or support we need to process the change, the experience will positively influence our health and the overall outcome.
The Change Process
There are three important questions to ask yourself.
- Where are you now?
- Where do you want to be?
- How are you going to get there?
Your Change Journey
I know from successful personal and professional experience as a holistic transformational coach, that incorporating and practising my M-A-G-I-C tools and techniques into your daily routines will enhance your change navigation skills.
For example: Mindfulness, Acknowledging emotions, Grit, Intuition and Coherence.
However, sometimes we meet resistance, blocks, or obstacles where we can feel stuck or confused and this is when working in partnership with a coach can assist you on your way.
Please do email me to request a free guide to an initial exercise you can do to start your personal change journey.
You are also welcome to book a free 15 minute chat on the phone – you can reach me on 0771 293 6296 and .