Towards Resilience
Resilience is a process of getting a robust attitude in the face of challenging and even threatening events. It’s also about becoming a stronger person as a consequence of facing up to and overcoming challenging experiences. Living is often about tackling obstacles or...
All About Emotions
‘Emotion’ comes from the Latin term emovere meaning “moving”. The term is a combination of the words “energy” and “motion”, which captures the often fleeting nature of human emotions. Emotions are a gift. Through our feelings at any point in time, they enable us to...
The Power of Your Thoughts
About 30,000 years ago Homo Sapiens began to develop complex ways of relating to each other and conceptualising those relationships. This was a cognitive, linguistic revolution - the development of thought as we think of it today. Thought was as way of defining ‘self’...
Are you giving yourself the same kindness as you give to others?
Compassion is the feeling or act of showing sympathy and understanding towards others. For most of us, it is much easier to express compassion towards others than it is towards ourselves. Self-compassion can be described as extending compassion to one's self in...
The Wellbeing Power of Cold Water Swimming
I am sure you would agree that in some way or another, we are all seeking balance in our lives. Balance is also a very important component of our wellbeing. Achieving a balance between our mental health, emotional health and physical health will undoubtedly have a...
My Lipoedema Legs
One evening around the beginning of May 2016 my eldest daughter Charlotte was watching videos on YouTube in our sitting room. 'Quick mum, come here, you have got to watch this' she shouted. 'This is your story, these are your legs'. I went and had a look. Yes, this...
The Only Constant in Life is Change
The title of this blog is a quote by Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher. He said that everything changes, nothing remains still and you cannot step twice into the same river. So true isn’t it? I often refer to The Change Curve model. This model relates to all changes we...
How to navigate personal change to survive…
This quote from Viktor E. Frankl. has curiously presented itself to me three times in the last 12 months. And if I reflect on the last few years of my life, which to date have proved the most difficult, I feel these words really sum up my personal experience. Having...
How well do you know ‘Your Self’?
Communication is the key to understanding ourselves, others and our lives. Here are 4 elements to explore, which will help you to get to know Your Self a little better.
What are we missing out on?
This story about perceptions will make you gasp and give you goose pimples. It’s a reminder for us to pause, take a breath and experience the gift of being present with our senses.
What is coaching?
The term ‘coaching’ conjures up different things for different people. If you’ve never experienced coaching, you wouldn’t be expected to know if it’s something that would be right for you. Here are some inspiring examples.
Where did the name ZANZI come from?
This is a question I often get asked. I had been trading in my own name for a couple of years when my accountant said it was time I got myself a company name. I cogitated on this for a while..... this was proving much harder than I thought it would be. Then on the...
Zanzi celebrates 15 years
I am proud to be celebrating my fifteenth year running Zanzi. I will always remember the mixed emotions of fear and excitement as I walked away from my corporate role, leaving behind my salary, company car, etc., wondering if I really could 'go it alone'. This year I...